
PJSC “Yampil Instrument-Making Plant” provides after-sales service and for the products manufactured. If necessary, we will assist you as soon as possible! You can always contact us with questions about ensuring accurate work of our products: our experts will answer all your questions competently.

Information for sending gas meters of our production for service or repair:

Send by “New Post”

Office number 1

Delivery method (Warehouse-Warehouse)

Yampil (Vinnitsa region)

Recipient: Private Joint Stock Company “Yampil Instrument-Making Plant”

tel. 0969494566

Send us a gas meter, a passport to the gas meter (if available) and a copy of the certificate of unsuitability.

The meter is packaged at the discretion of the consumer or by the staff of New Post before sending.

After repair, the meter will be properly packaged by our factory staff.

In terms of time, the repair procedure takes from 3 weeks to a month, taking into account the delivery to and fro.

Estimated cost: from 470 UAH. – up to 550 UAH + New Post fee at your expense.

Payment for repairs upon receipt at New Post – cash on delivery!

All questions by phone. 0969494566